I just have to do a quick post to say hi and let everyone know that I am coming to the Symposium all the way from Sydney!!! (If you don’t know me, I am the Sydney Correspondent and also known as Borromini Bear on flickr) I am very excited not only to be coming to the States (only been once before 10 years ago) but especially to have the chance to meet so many of my online sketching friends at the one time. Of course Borromini will be with me (hope it is ok for him to sneak into the Symposium!?)

My visit to Portland is in the first fortnight of a huge 11 week sketching marathon around the world - (USA, UK and Italy plus lots of time in the air!)... So I currently have a lot of trip preparation to do and whenever I get a chance I am recording this process in sketches on my blog or flickr. Hopefully in the next two weeks I will get more of a chance to sketch as well as pack....or sketch as I pack. Crazy with sorting accommodation right at the moment!

Ok... Now for my important question for the locals- where is the best tearoom in Portland. I am talking premium grade loose leaf tea, served in china cup and saucers!